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Logo Zerust Acobal 2025
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Zerust® Axxatec™ 80C

Zerust® AxxatecTM 80C is a water-based rust preventative liquid that protects ferrous metals for up to 3 months under shelter. It can be applied by spray, brush or dip and leaves a clear and dry to the touch protective coating. Safe for painted, rubber and plastic materials.

Zerust® Axxatec™ 80C

Zerust® AxxatecTM 80C is a water-based rust preventative liquid concentrate that may be diluted from 2% to 7.5% per the application. This aqueous-based corrosion inhibitor system protects ferrous metals via proven Zerust® Integrated Corrosion Technologies (ICT®). Use AxxatecTM 80 to protect bare ferrous metals such as cast iron, steel and its alloys during shipping, storage and assembly.

AxxatecTM 80 forms a clear, thin, dry-to-touch coating and is safe for use on painted surfaces, rubber seals, and plastics. It provides up to 3 months protection indoors or in plain packaging and protects for years in hermetically sealed spaces or Zerust® VCI packaging. AxxatecTM 80C is designed for use on ferrous metals, but may provide some protection to other metals such as aluminum, copper, brass, and nickel alloys, etc. Test before use on non-ferrous metals.

Avantages Zerust® Axxatec™ 80C

• Forms a clear, dry-to-touch, hydrophobic film
• Concentrated formula reduces shipping costs and allows for customized dilutable protection
• Safe for painted, rubber and plastic materials.
• Easy to apply and remove
• Non-hazardous*


During Operation
May be used with Zerust® VCI packaging

Nous innovons constamment pour protéger toutes les industries contre la corrosion avec Zerust® Axxatec™ 80C

Extrait de la fiche technique Zerust® Axxatec™ 80C

Product Info : Water-based rust preventative liquid concentrate.
Application : Apply via immersion, brush, or spray.
Application temperature : 50 to 90°F (10 to 32°C).
Immersion dwell time : 45 seconds.
Dry time : 45 - 60 mins.
Dilution : 2 - 7.5% (Dilute with DI water).

Viscosity @ 71°F (21°C) : 650 cps (#63 spindle) @100 rpm.
Coverage : 3000 ft2/279m2 per gal (at 7.5% and drained).
Thickness (varies by method) : 0.25-0.5 mil (6 - 12 μm).

Recevoir la fiche technique Zerust® Axxatec™ 80C

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Trouver une solutions anticorrosion

Tout AfficherValeno ®DiffuseursGardac ®Liquide / PoudreAccessoires

Zerust® Axxatec™ 80C


Film Valeno® Campo®


Activpak (LS)


Film à bulles Valeno®


Diffuseurs Gardac Tabs


Dessiccant Baleso


Perigol® VCi 230

Adresse :
ACOBAL SAS - ZI du Clos Marquet
Route de Cellieu - CS10177
42400 Saint-Chamond - France
La couleur jaune est déposée par
Northern Technologies International
Corporation pour les produits VCI