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ZERUST® AxxanolTM 33CD

Zerust®/Excor® Axxanol™ 33CD-HF is a solvent-based rust preventive coating that dries to the touch; eliminating oily surfaces that can attract dust and contaminants. This coating protects up to six months under shelter or can be used with VCI packaging for long-term protection.

ZERUST® AxxanolTM 33CD

 Use Zerust® Axxanol™ 33CD-HF to safely protect metals and cast or machined parts during shipment, storage and work-in-progress. It protects multiple metal types against corrosion for up to six months under shelter. After allowing metals to completely dry, place into Zerust® Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) packaging products for a more robust solution that protects for years and during challenging conditions such as ocean shipments. 

Axxanol™ 33CD-HF coated and dried parts are safe to handle. During drying, the solvent completely evaporates, leaving behind a harmless corrosion preventative coating. End users, when handling coated parts, do not need to wear personal protection equipment such as a respirator, mask or safety glasses. Only clean gloves without lint or talc are recommended to keep metals free of corrosion and contaminants. 

Benefits ZERUST® AxxanolTM 33CD

- Proven corrosion protection for
- challenging environments
- Higher flash point
- May be used with Zerust® VCI Film
- Apply by spray, brush or dip
- Multimetal protection
- Near dry-to-touch thin oil
- Compatible with most engine oil

Key Applications

- Storage
- Shipping
- During Operation
- May be used with Zerust® packaging
Protect metal parts with Zerust® Axxanol™ 33CD-HF from corrosion during overseas shipping. It leaves a dry-to-touch coating that dried quickly and could be used with VCI packaging.

We are constantly innovating to protect all industries against corrosion with ZERUST® AxxanolTM 33CD

Extract from ZERUST® AxxanolTM 33CD data sheet

Aspect général : Liquide légèrement coloré
Point éclair : 37,8°C

Présentation : Conditionnement en bidon ou fût
Elimination : Traiter comme un déchet pétrolier
Stockage : 2 ans à date de production dans son emballage d’origine et à l’abri (pas d’exposition directe aux UV et à la pluie)
Température de stockage : Maxi : 30°C
Si le produit a été stocké pendant plus d’1 an, agitez avant emploi

Receive the complete data sheet ZERUST® AxxanolTM 33CD

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ACOBAL SAS - ZI du Clos Marquet
Route de Cellieu - CS10177
42400 Saint-Chamond - France
The yellow color is registered by 
Northern Technologies International
Corporation for VCI products

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